A very solid start to a great trilogy
“J.R.R Tolkein's books are wonderful, with memorable characters, an enchanting atmosphere, strong narrative and dialogue and an epic story. Peter Jackson's trilogy mayn't be necessarily true to them, but it does have the memorable characters, the epic story and enchanting atmosphere that the books do” read more
“A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.....There was a boy who was only two years old when the original "Star Wars" film was released. He doesn't remember first seeing the movie, but he also doesn't remember life before it. He does remember the first "Star Wars" themed gift he got...a shoebox fu” read more
Darker and better than "New hope"
“So, "The Empire Strikes Back" is a sequel to the previous part. After the release of the first episode, the budget, the fans appeared, and, accordingly, the quality improved!
The fifth episode is the darkest and even the best in the original trilogy (in my personal opinion), and for many i” read more
The Force will be with you, always.
“"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."
Pre review:
Its writing started in January 1973, "eight hours a day, five days a week", George Lucas said by taking small notes, inventing odd names and assigning them possible characterization... After many drafts, he finally came ” read more
“I Love You Saori Hayami Because She's So Cute and Adorable and Gorgeous and You Are Yor Forger My Love... ”

“Loved the original 'Star Wars' films as a kid, still do. Especially 'Empire Strikes Back' while considering 'A New Hope' a genre landmark. Didn't think the prequel films were that bad personally, but they had a lot wrong with them and were a long way from great, especially 'Attack of the Clones'.
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“What would you think a movie involving white clothes and head wreaths would be about? If you said creepy pagan rituals then you're right.
Unfortunately, Midsommar was about what I thought it'd be about. Pagan rituals. Were the rituals more extreme than--let's say--Wicker Man? Yes. But extr” read more