This is a movie with a simple and straightforward plot which contains layers and layers of intelligent writing, metaphors and message.
To speak further about the script will end up in spoilers and that would be pointless since my very purpose writing this review is to encourage people to see it.
This is no small feat, interpreting fantasy as something of a product of a real world, cross-referencing how the child acts to her real surroundings and the "other world", metaphors that describe the accelerated state of growing up some of us are put through... Incredible. Simple, straightforward yet there is so much to be appreciated.
Those who are saying how it's predictable and thus not enjoyable, I ask of you, which movie nowadays aren't predictable? Hell, even 21 grams was predictable but so damned good. It's not about how it ends, you can always predict how a movie would end if you've ever taken a half-decent script writing class or have some common sense. It's always about how well you tell a story.
I'm grateful there are still directors who aren't tied down to this new epidemic of including a plot twist simply because they need a plot twist.
Pan's Labyrinth features some of the best storytelling and attention to detail without being affected by the now ever-popular opinion of cameras having to be put through several technical difficulties to make the shots eligible to be called a brilliant shot.
I am also grateful for them not dubbing it. Watching it in its' original language is much, much more rewarding even if I had to rely on the subtitles for most of the time.
This is a brilliant movie. Watch it.
Unexpected brilliance.

when I say I cried

This series genuinely gave me the chills, it was like immersing myself in a world I've been playing in for 2 years it felt so fleshed out, from the world design having so many connotations to the game, to the characters being so well designed and individually indulgent. I feel as if you could easily watch this without playing the game which I loved, it was an individual story, and kept true to what cyberpunk 2077 is, The story was simple yet intricate, building characters decisively and full, leading to an ending which just worked, And yes, I cried so hard. I would love to see more seasons of this, I feel there's places this could build on, I want to see what happens next with the characters already ! The fact this series has led to my first review I feel says a lot, if I had any criticism it would purely be the intro lacked creativity and desire, I feel it would of been more personalised to edge runners, and also the calling, I got use to it by the end, but I feel sometimes the timing or placement was too blunt, apart from these two things I truly loved this weird and felt it kept me focused at all times, with its action, story, romance and portrayal of the characters evolution.

Damn fine storytelling

Me: an occasional anime watcher. Very lazy, so dubs for me.
This is a real gem. It's a story of 5 friends as they come of age, grow together, and the overzealous love of teenagers.
What sells this is that the two primary characters are both quite believable. You have Ryuuji, who is a deeply caring guy, and Taiga, who is aggressive, cocky, and also vulnerable. While the story is told from Ryuuji's perspective, the most interesting character throughout is Taiga as she handles the trials of growing up. Fundamentally, she is not a cookie-cutter "cute girl" to stick in the centre of what is essentially a romantic series; she is needy and often unpleasant, while also caring for her friends deeply.
A lot of anime have craaazy hijinks and characters who are incredibly dense at reading others. The joy of this series is that for the most part, these guys are limited by their own inhibitions in a relatable way and often guess what each other is feeling. It's rare that you want to punch characters for being stupid, at least. Although they may punch each other.
Voice acting in English is pretty solid, certainly above average for anime dubs.
This is a real gem. It's a story of 5 friends as they come of age, grow together, and the overzealous love of teenagers.
What sells this is that the two primary characters are both quite believable. You have Ryuuji, who is a deeply caring guy, and Taiga, who is aggressive, cocky, and also vulnerable. While the story is told from Ryuuji's perspective, the most interesting character throughout is Taiga as she handles the trials of growing up. Fundamentally, she is not a cookie-cutter "cute girl" to stick in the centre of what is essentially a romantic series; she is needy and often unpleasant, while also caring for her friends deeply.
A lot of anime have craaazy hijinks and characters who are incredibly dense at reading others. The joy of this series is that for the most part, these guys are limited by their own inhibitions in a relatable way and often guess what each other is feeling. It's rare that you want to punch characters for being stupid, at least. Although they may punch each other.
Voice acting in English is pretty solid, certainly above average for anime dubs.

Absolutely Brilliant...

One of my favourite films and one of the greatest movies of all time, Terminator 2 (T2) is absolutely brilliant!
I remember watching T2 on the big screen in 1991. Oh boy! That was an eye-popping experience! Never mind that T2 set new standards in sfx - Terminator 2 is a tremendous film in its own right. Great story, great setting, brilliant acting & dialogue, great music. This is flawless. It's a Sci-fi Action film for the ages.
There are so many sci-fi movies these days and the effects are so good that we've gotten used to them. Very few of them measure up to Terminator 2 though. Why? Because T2 manages to create its own visual language, and it has a proper emotional heart.
Linda Hamilton returns as Sarah Connor, the more-than-half crazed, verging on psychopathic mother of John Connor (played brilliantly by Edward Furlong), future military leader (no spoilers!). Hamilton gives an exceptional performance throughout, and I mean exceptional...! The chemistry between her and her son is remarkable. But the most remarkable relationship of all is between John and a Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), the machine sent to protect him. This is one of the greatest screen relationships. Iconic.
Meanwhile, a Liquid Metal Terminator - a T1000 (Robert Patrick) has been sent back through time as well. It is a highly intelligent and calculating implacable killer, and virtually indestructible. Through the T1000 we feel what it would be like to be pursued relentlessly and hunted to death. Alongside Schwarzeneggers' Terminator we understand the difference between men & machines. This is scary and brilliant at the same time.
I love this movie! Just watched it again after a long gap and it still has great impact. It doesn't seem to age. This is because the human story is so strong. Terminator 2 is a film you can watch again and again - a mark of its brilliance.
I remember watching T2 on the big screen in 1991. Oh boy! That was an eye-popping experience! Never mind that T2 set new standards in sfx - Terminator 2 is a tremendous film in its own right. Great story, great setting, brilliant acting & dialogue, great music. This is flawless. It's a Sci-fi Action film for the ages.
There are so many sci-fi movies these days and the effects are so good that we've gotten used to them. Very few of them measure up to Terminator 2 though. Why? Because T2 manages to create its own visual language, and it has a proper emotional heart.
Linda Hamilton returns as Sarah Connor, the more-than-half crazed, verging on psychopathic mother of John Connor (played brilliantly by Edward Furlong), future military leader (no spoilers!). Hamilton gives an exceptional performance throughout, and I mean exceptional...! The chemistry between her and her son is remarkable. But the most remarkable relationship of all is between John and a Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), the machine sent to protect him. This is one of the greatest screen relationships. Iconic.
Meanwhile, a Liquid Metal Terminator - a T1000 (Robert Patrick) has been sent back through time as well. It is a highly intelligent and calculating implacable killer, and virtually indestructible. Through the T1000 we feel what it would be like to be pursued relentlessly and hunted to death. Alongside Schwarzeneggers' Terminator we understand the difference between men & machines. This is scary and brilliant at the same time.
I love this movie! Just watched it again after a long gap and it still has great impact. It doesn't seem to age. This is because the human story is so strong. Terminator 2 is a film you can watch again and again - a mark of its brilliance.

Nice night for a walk.

Is there a better person to play a cyborg than Arnold? For this movie he was a massively built oak tree of a man. His strange accent makes for a perfect callous robotic sounding killing machine. It's almost like his voice is a computer read out ( which I guess it is in one sense ). Terminator is one of those films that started something huge. People didn't realize it at the time, but the careers of Arnold, Cameron and perhaps even guys like Micahel Biehn, Lance Henriksen and even Bill Paxton were substantially started because of this film. And Cameron must have liked working with them so much that he gave all of them substantial roles in his next film ( Aliens ).
As we all know what the story is, I'll just tell you a bit about what is so fascinating about it. First I have to mention Michael Biehn. He has the real starring role. He is the character that has to explain everything to the audience. He has to explain this complicated story so that we know what is happening and why. It is not an easy job to do something like that and still come off looking all right. But Biehn is simply awesome in this film. A microcosm of his performance can be seen when Sara bites him. Biehn ( Kyle Reese ) replies " Terminator's don't feel pain. I do. Don't do that again. " That is such a great line delivered with the perfect expression, the perfect tone and the perfect timing. Biehn is perfect for the role.
This is also the first film that I saw as a youngster that ever warned me of the dangers of nuclear war and of the rapid advancements of machinery. Perhaps I was too young and naive to fully understand all that James Cameron was trying to say, but now that I am older, I can honestly say that the two Terminators are perfect anti nuke films. And they are so passionate with what they have to say. I like it when a film has something to say. I enjoy being entertained in the process but if you can manage both then you have a masterpiece. This is a masterpiece.
Finally. there are two other reasons to enjoy this film. One, this is the first film where "I'll be back" was spoken. Now it is part of Arnolds vernacular. Secondly, Bill Paxton is in it. And he adds spark to any film that he's in. Especially here, as the idiot punk leader that really gets the hell beat out of him, he has some great lines.
A great film.
As we all know what the story is, I'll just tell you a bit about what is so fascinating about it. First I have to mention Michael Biehn. He has the real starring role. He is the character that has to explain everything to the audience. He has to explain this complicated story so that we know what is happening and why. It is not an easy job to do something like that and still come off looking all right. But Biehn is simply awesome in this film. A microcosm of his performance can be seen when Sara bites him. Biehn ( Kyle Reese ) replies " Terminator's don't feel pain. I do. Don't do that again. " That is such a great line delivered with the perfect expression, the perfect tone and the perfect timing. Biehn is perfect for the role.
This is also the first film that I saw as a youngster that ever warned me of the dangers of nuclear war and of the rapid advancements of machinery. Perhaps I was too young and naive to fully understand all that James Cameron was trying to say, but now that I am older, I can honestly say that the two Terminators are perfect anti nuke films. And they are so passionate with what they have to say. I like it when a film has something to say. I enjoy being entertained in the process but if you can manage both then you have a masterpiece. This is a masterpiece.
Finally. there are two other reasons to enjoy this film. One, this is the first film where "I'll be back" was spoken. Now it is part of Arnolds vernacular. Secondly, Bill Paxton is in it. And he adds spark to any film that he's in. Especially here, as the idiot punk leader that really gets the hell beat out of him, he has some great lines.
A great film.

The Best Seinen Anime

Monster is an incredibly satisfying watch and rewards paying attention to smaller details. The story is intricately woven to make even the smallest advancements seem well worth it. The characters are all very well written and they all have a very distinct role in the story. Tension is built perfectly and the realm of safety doesn't apply to any of the characters. Monster successfully crafts one of the most engaging stories of all time and is one of my favorite anime of all time.

A Well Made Story.

First let me say that the music/OSTs in this anime are just magnificent, there is not even one single bad opening! Every opening them is just so perfect that you can't stop listening to it! The background music is so goated! My favorite op is the 5th op "Rain" by SID and it's actually my all time favorite anime op, the greatest opening ever. But other than that the "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" story about two brothers and their journey to try to get their bodies back is a perfect storytelling, with a great writing to every character and a really good characters design and a nice world building plus a fine animation. Something that I really like about this anime is that how they show you all this things about the military and how you can't trust people no matter who they are and all this thing with the dogs of the military etc... I also like the philosophy in this anime but I don't want to say too much here, so if you really wanna know what I'm talking about search on YouTube "The Philosophy of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood" there is a video there by "Wisecrack", I recommend you to watch it if you've already finished the anime.

And yet another good one!

After been waiting for a long time, finally Hellsing Ultimate 3 is here! This episode starts with the aftermath of the attack that took much of episode's 2 time and then follows Alucard, Victoria and a new guy on their trans-continental quest to find out more about the Millennium organization (with help from the less expected source, I must say...) The CGI-loaded animation is still the same, and I've seen people who have loved it and people who have hated it, so for this one, either you love it or hate it, your feelings will be the same. The soundtrack keeps going with it's epic-oriented tracks that add a very good atmosphere to the OVA.
This episode is blood/gore loaded, much more than the previous two, so if you felt uneasy about that, you probably don't want to see this one. This episode is violence-packed with a more conspiracy-like plot and a really good duel (that didn't show up in the original series) where Alucard has the opportunity to show his powers once more. There are also a couple of funny scenes to break the tension of the moment.
At the ending credits we get an animated teaser of the past of Alucard and Walter that is told in Hellsing: The Dawn.
This episode is blood/gore loaded, much more than the previous two, so if you felt uneasy about that, you probably don't want to see this one. This episode is violence-packed with a more conspiracy-like plot and a really good duel (that didn't show up in the original series) where Alucard has the opportunity to show his powers once more. There are also a couple of funny scenes to break the tension of the moment.
At the ending credits we get an animated teaser of the past of Alucard and Walter that is told in Hellsing: The Dawn.

A delightful and very enjoyable Anime

My mother and I are both really enjoying this series so far. The comedy, the situations, the character interactions and dynamics are all really well done. Even only 3 episodes in, I'm already attached to these cast of characters and I'm invested in what's going to happen to them next.
I was really curious to see what all the hype was about and I got to say, it doesn't disappoint!
I was really curious to see what all the hype was about and I got to say, it doesn't disappoint!

One of Audrey Hepburn's premier films...

"Breakfast At Tiffany's", from Truman Capote's acerbic novella, is so lushly produced and plushly designed it seems to take place in a New York City dream-world. Audrey Hepburn plays party-girl Holly Golightly with flaky flair, yet she never has to force herself to be a groovy extrovert--she encompasses all of Holly's faults and dizzy highs with just one of the deep little laughs that seem to well up from her chest. I didn't mind Mickey Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi (I forgot it was him) and since the movie's edge softens a bit as the film goes on, it needs Yunioshi for some of that low-down comedy inherent in the film's first hour. George Peppard as neighbor Paul is perhaps too smooth and a ready-match for Holly (he only bristles a bit early on), but Peppard as an actor is suitable for Hepburn, he allows her room to sparkle while keeping the film grounded. His frequent bemused looks are charming, and I thought his scenes with Patricia Neal were very good (the filmmakers are a little tough on Neal: she's made to seem decadent and lascivious, and when Peppard calls her on it, I'm not sure if we're supposed to feel sympathy for her, though I did). The opening moments with Hepburn standing in front of Tiffany & Co. are as miraculous as any scene from any movie of this era, and the rest of the film effortlessly emulates that early magic.